Beauty And The Beast ~ Surprisingly Enjoyable

Being stuck in quarantine and having recently purchased Disney+, I’ve been dying to watch some new Disney films. Whilst browsing through the selection of films I stumbled across the live-action remake of Beauty And The Beast. Needless to say, the film was enjoyable, heartfelt, clever, and hilarious.

Disney doesn’t have the most success in their remakes, namely the new Lady And The Tramp (didn’t even hit UK cinemas…), and the new Lion King (it’s not live-action if you just use better CGI). However, Beauty And The Beast most definitely doesn’t fall into that category.

With music that sticks in your mind for days and a soundtrack that doesn’t just sound like a load of a-listers giving it their ‘best’, this film will stay on your radar for weeks.

What makes this film great is that it doesn’t actually try to be anything its not. Some of the lyrics are changed but as for the plot, it is exactly the same without being boring.

This film has wonderful visuals and clever CGI to back them up along with hilarious commentary as well as some fitting assessment of some of the main characters.

Unlike Lion King or other live actions, this seems to have gotten its casting on point. Josh Gad plays Lefou wonderfully and extremely comedically which is perfectly accompanied by Luke Evans’ Gaston. As for Belle and the Beast, Emma Watson is an obvious choice but a perfect one, and although you don’t see Dan Stevens in the flesh as the Beast, his acting is still superb, standing out on many occasions.

I loved this film and would definitely recommend anyone to watch it, whether you are a fan or not it is definitely worth giving it a try.

8/10 Stars

The Film Nerdette

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