New to Disney+ and based on best selling book series by, Eoin Colfer, Artemis Fowl tells the tale of a young criminal genius as he discovers a new land living beneath them after his father goes missing.
The book itself was a huge hit with a seemingly cult following, so when this film was announced every fan was concerned, and rightly so. It is so far from living up to the books that it barely lives up to being a film. Even with the many A-listers and notable names plaguing the cast list.
Actors like Judi Dench and Colin Farell are given mediocre chances to act as well as they usually do and most get a minimal amount of screentime, with that space being left for the rather questionable acting from the protagonist, Ferdia Shaw. It felt like the majority of the actors in the film got no time to prepare or come into their own, with the film ending without actually achieving anything. Nevertheless, you still come out of the film wondering what better things you could have done with the 115 minutes you just lost.
Nevertheless, this is a fun film for those who have never heard of the book and does become an unironically funny film that doesn’t seem to take itself too seriously. Even so, it just isn’t worth a watch.
Ultimately, this film is just a waste of actors, time, and ruins a beloved franchise just to make a small amount of money as a Disney film with A-list actors, but it can’t be ignored that it lacks everything that made the books great as well as a story that feels worth watching.
2/10 Stars
The Film Nerdette
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