This 2016 film, starring Dodie Clark, Bertie Gilbert, and Savannah Brown explores the depths of which a breaking heart will go when faced with the often unthinkable. Certain death approaches Clark’s character as she is unknowingly given one more evening to live by Death herself.
The film begins as a funny and lighthearted approach to such a chilling topic, creating a hazed understanding between the realistic and the obscure. Interestingly the visuals are simplistic and subtle but also noticeable, the audience are thrown into this beautiful but dark and smokey atmosphere, perfectly contrasting the light and slightly tense subtext. There are beautiful messages behind this short film, as it becomes an analysers dream acknowledging the similarities behind the Beetles earlier and later music as it quickly becomes apparent that this is how each character views their relationship with each other, therefore allowing this film to become 10x more powerful on watching it for a second time.
That being said, the ending lacked that punch that it was building up to. It failed to move me as I’m certain it was meant to, the writing felt rushed at the end and it almost seemed like they knew they were running ahead of time and were just desperate to finish a seemingly challenging script.
3/5 Stars
The Film Nerdette